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You may wonder, what lies behind this acronym? I.N.P. is a concept ...

Integrared Nutritional Program: what's that?

You may wonder, what lies behind this acronym? I.N.P. is a concept developed by SANYpet FORZA10 taking into account the totality of what constitutes the diet of our dogs and cats: at SANYpet we believe that the latest generation of nutrition can not stop at the kibble, but it is a much broader reality than this.

If it is true that - in most cases - kibble is “king” and it is the major component of our pets’ nutrition, then we should not forget that many also eat wet food, and - especially in the case of dogs - treats which are specifically made for them.

What sense would it make then, to pay maximum attention to the realization of dry foods and not to reserve the same level of accuracy for wet food and snacks, at the risk of compromising the results obtained from the diet, or requiring owners to confine their pet to a “spartan” life, in which the only thing which is not prohibited is kibble?

Given the increasing number of diet-related diseases in our pets, we believe there is a fundamental importance for “pet parents” to have at their disposal dry and wet diets, as well as snacks, coordinated amongst themselves and that they complement each other synergistically: this is the reason we are addressing Integrated Nutritional Program. This does not only concern animals that already have food intolerances or sensitivities, but also those who are in good health.

Three key points of I.N.P. are:
  1. The use of a few raw materials of unparalleled quality, in order to minimize the risk of occurrence of intolerance and/or allergy.
  2. The mixing of dry and wet foods, to optimize water intake and adhere to best water requirements, while reducing the risk of developing urinary tract diseases.
  3. The production of wet food and treats in Iceland, whose raw materials are clean and pristine and are processed in our factories at “Km 0,” situated near the harbors where the fishing boats dock and not far from the island’s pastures.

LEGEND line embodies perfectly the concept of I.N.P., in fact, next to the dry line you can also find the coordinated wet diets, and in a very short while joining them will be the Healthy Bites and the grain-free treats that complement the line (Skin and Digestion in first place) and follow its functional characteristics.

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