How to evaluate a new food
The method to evaluate a new food
There’s a perfectly simple way to evaluate if any sort of food that you’ve never used before is free from toxic environmental pollutants: no longer than a few hours after eating the food, cats and dogs must not show any of the following symptoms that are all linked to pharmacological and chemical residues present in the food (please consult our specific scientific research*):
- itching on the neck and back area;
- sudden reddening of the skin;
- hotspots;
- unexpected, constant or recurrent tearing;
- red eyes;
- ear’s shaking;
- bad breath;
- gingivitis;
- dandruff;
- paw’s licking;
- anal sacks’ licking;
- exaggerate desire to eat grass;
- eructation;
- vomit on an empty stomach;
- flatulence;
- diarrhea or soft stools;
- anxiety, nervousness, sudden fears;
- photophobia;
What we have to be careful of
Particular attention should be paid to the bone, that in addition to all the described symptoms, may cause hotspot in susceptible subjects. Hotspot is a sudden sore on the back area carrying a severe itching to the dog, that usually worsens the situation by scratching himself with his paws or teeth. Pay attention, it’s easy to see the correlation between food and lesion, if you know what to look for.
Forza10 Founder and Head of SANYpet’s Research and Development Department Veterinary surgeon and international expert in food-borne diseases
* “Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology” (Toxicological implications and inflammatory response in human lymphocytes challenged with oxytetracycline).“Poultry Science” (Cytotoxic effects of oxytetracycline residues in the bones of broiler chickens following therapeutic oral administration of a water formulation).