Which inexplicable reason can push a man until the land of the ice and fire, by disguising himself as Indiana Jones?
The SANYpet mission is achieving health through nutrition and to aim this goal is necessary and unavoidable get in touch with the nature and its green power and acquire from it the cleanest and healthiest proteins.
That’s why we went all the way to Iceland, where the nature is wild and uncontaminated. Going through freezing rivers we have found a free and magnificent salmon. We have discovered a new way to cook outside hidden from the hostile geyser by exploiting geothermal energy, that is the heat released by soil, in order to cook our food.
More than 80 areas of the country have been identified as nature reserves, nature’s mausoleum to preserve. According to EPI (Environmental Performance Index), an index drawn up by scientists from Yale and Columbia University on the protection of the human health and of the ecosystem, on the 2016, Iceland is the 2nd place worldwide where the respect to the nature and the sustainable use of natural resources are concerned.
Hungry for nature and adventure, but not only, SANYpet’s explorers have found the main resource of the country in the fish and fishing, thanks to its coastline of 4970 km and its rivers and lakes. The sea has offered them abundance of fish, in particular great and pure cod and anchovies, thanks to Gulf stream, that after crossing the Atlantic Ocean, come to the south coast by dispersing water’s pollutants. Among freshwater fish, eel, salmon, trout of high quality, have been donated by Iceland to them. According to the Iceland Responsible Fisheries, fishing for Icelanders is not a style of life but it is the life, “sharing the goodness of the wild […] for the benefit of future generation”.
Icelandic fishermen not only know their clear waters but they also take care of them, they love the wild goodness of the nature. Their fish does not contain artificial coloring or additives, while the production process is traceable and controlled, where fresh catch fish, comes on the same day and the following day is ready for consumers.
The journey of SANYpet’s adventurers had to face the true and unquestioned leader of the island, the cod, protagonist of the Icelanders life so much as having become even a measuring system: one kilo of scampi corresponds to four of cod, the mother in law about two and half. And to think that for cod, Iceland even was in the war facing Great Britain on several unarmed fighting for reasons of fishing zones. Doctor Canello, leader of SANYpet, on the 1975 began to study the toxicity of antibiotics residues contained in meats coming from intensive farming, Iceland started the third Cod’s war, two worlds as remote from one another as appears possible that will join together many years later.

Iceland: fishing that is not a job
but life itself
It’s from all of this that SANYpet’s men have realised the love of a nation to own fish and to a job as fishing that is not a job but life itself. Respect for the environment, clean waters and history are the trait d’union between fishing and Iceland, by marking geographically on the map the route of SANYpet, which on its destination has found its principles of quality and the refusal to intensive farming. That’s why through the wilderness and Icelander waters, SANYpet adventurers have founded two factories, one for producing wet food and the other one for treats and biscuits that got in their heart Icelandic fish and meat.
The first, but not the last, net benefit of a healthy and pristine protein. The animal organism has an high presence of saturates Omega6, that need to be balanced through a proper ratio of Omega3, highly concentrated in salmon. This kind of balanced diet is important for puppies growth, by enabling a proper skeletal muscle development and avoiding inflammatory processes and the proliferation of various cell lines that influence the growth. Not only, fish helps dogs to remove tartar besides make good to skin and coat, having low calories.
However, fish is not the only performer of Icelandic life and trough a journey it shows us the other protagonists of this story.
This time is not that of our SANYpet explorers, but that, of much earlier, of the first valiant who pushed up to there: the Norwegian Vikings. The Norse warriors, first settlers, sailed by taking with their sheep and horses, thus making them come right through the ranks of those who first populated the land. Sheep were crucial not only for their meat, but also for wool and coat.
Today FORZA10 has daily more probabilities to meet an Icelandic lamb instead of a man, because of their massive presence. The sheep, typical in their lack of a tail, as unique as the horses are, smaller than our own, pastures free in untouched nature, endless and free of pollutants thanks to the extensive farm that permits it feeding of turf and plants.
At the national level is also applies hormone ban, food additives and antibiotics. Thus, meat is recognized as healthy and of excellent quality. Thus, as with regard to fish, SANYpet has found into Icelandic meat, not lamb only but also chicken and pork bred in typical farms, a healthy source, nutritious and free of toxic residues, that it has nothing in common with the use of oxytetracycline which has been proved as enemy number one of dogs and cats by Doctor Sergio Canello and SANYpet R&D center.
Thus, the great adventure of SANYpet explorers has been different from a simple journey, but it has also become life itself, identifying with it and combining two philosophies now only geographically distant, but ideally nearby. This means for us #FACTSNOTKIBBLES