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"Was originally recommended to me by my great vet in Florida when I live there I discontinue using it because I thought I couldn't afford it mean while my poor dog my Jack Russell Terrier went through an Agony of different foods different supplements different Miracle remedies yada yada yada etc etc and still had horrible recurring colitis if you don't know what that is I'm glad for you but it's a horrible thing for the dog and it was just misery finally I remembered this food that had helped her down there and I purchased a big bag of it although expensive it has cured every bit of her colitis this is something she's had for the last 4 years and this food which she loves to eat and taste has cured her of this horrible illness so the money you spend on this food is more than made up for with no vet visits and no medication bills and no ripped up intestines for your dog with all the silly medications this natural food is fabulous i absolute recommended they also make it for other problems oral colitis intestines and pick the one that's right for your dog and feed that to him or her I feed my dog also wet food but no grain and no chicken and it just is unbelievable it's miraculous I heartily recommend this food don't wait too long before buying it and I don't have stock in the company just for you information"